Below are some frequently asked questions and responses. If there is anything further you'd like to know, please get in touch.
Around 4 hours depending how fast you work!
No...just a drill and basic hand tools. Everything else is supplied.
Just visit and download full instructions.
Yes, if you have a screen and a 9 pin socket in the cab.
Yes. Order the in cab Isobus 9 pin auxilliary cable (Part number 22916-01)
Yes, just split the screen to display both systems.
NO... Weighay is supplied as Plug and Play... once connected it will load automatically.
Weighay is constantly changing the hydraulic pressure according to conditions.
The hydraulic pressure will vary to regulate bale weight.
Rising pressure indicates drying crop.
Falling pressure indicates moistening crop.
That is your choice but usually betweem eight and twelve.
The flake counter can be used to maximise your forward speed ensuring the baler is working at full capacity.
The system can be calibrated for accuracy to 0.1kg.
We strongly recommend check weighing a sample bale regularly to ensure accuracy.
Check calibration for drift daily.
The system has a full range of alarms for any component faliure.
The diagnostic tab on the home screen will show the status of all sensors.
Manual Override is possible in the unlikley event of a component faliure.
Telephone assistance is avaliable for troubleshooting.